Thursday, October 30, 2008

Charrette Closing Presentation

More than 180 people attended the closing presentation on Tuesday, October 28th. Overall the sentiment was that the plan was broadly accepted with the key concern that it would be implemented. Getting things done and making things happen was the highest priority from the public. The presentation made recommendations for the following:
  • Improve Circulation for all Modes
  • Protect and Improve the Environment with every Decision
  • Focus on Downtown at the Center
  • Create a Partnership/Incentives Program that facilitates Redevelopment
  • Housing, housing, housing particularly for the workforce
  • Full Overhaul of the Unified Development Ordinance

The full presentation can be found here.

Additional comments from the public included:

General comments/questions

  • How to deal with commercial access off of main roads in interim? Need to have access for trucks, etc. from primary road
  • How to deal with parking requirements?
  • Until UDO is overhauled, very little can happen
  • Can we get rid of UDO altogether?

How did we do?

  • Great plans – a shock to the people here because of the boldness of designs. These plans will have to be modified in some ways, but we have to think differently, too.
  • A truly great experience on all levels and a great way to spend taxpayer dollars. However, IMPLEMENTATION will be vital to our success in applying this plan.
  • Great plan! So many large designs. It’s not really what we really expect here. Although its fantastic, I don’t think it will really be Boone anymore. It’s good, but try not to make things so large and modern. It isn’t New York City, you know! I don’t know what to think about it. It will be nicer, but it won’t be the Boone I grew up in anymore. You did OK.

What did we miss?

  • Infilling of neighborhoods close to campus
  • Impact of commercial development on adjacent established residential neighborhoods.
  • Walks above ground to view mountains from downtown!
  • Preserve night views with directed down lights!
  • Underground utilities were a high priority for every group in the opening session – no mention tonight.
  • Because ASU freshmen are required to live on campus, we should ban their cars thus eliminating ¼ of the campus traffic – sophomores, too. Many cities do!!!
  • Please look at the area behind the hospital and Boone Golf Course known as Kellwood.

Other Comments

  • Concerned about 6-7 story buildings on Howard destroying character of downtown
  • Concern about eliminating parking requirements downtown without creating deck or decks
  • If Boone wants the new roads, we have to be ready to receive the cars – there has to be ways to preserve the views as well as include more property.
  • Run Daniel Boone Parkway straight across from Wilson Ridge Rd directly to 321.
  • Seems very modern. That’s ok, but some are tearing down places that should be torn down, but makes it too large. Boone is a small town. We maybe should keep it that way for a while. (Not too much, but no skyscraper – 4 story, 5, 6??) Not your typical Boone. Don’t know about it.
  • Make sure affordable/workforce housing is an integral component.
  • Make UDO change recommendations ASAP.



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