Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Day 2 Filled with Walking Around Downtown, Cars, and Trails

Day 2 started with a with a walking tour of the downtown with over 60 students, residents and merchants and ended with a packed room talking about town and gown relations and common issues. In between, we also managed to squeeze more than 150 folks into various discussions related to transportation (motorized and non-motorized) and open space. The attendance remains high and the enthusiasm and energy is even higher.

Ideas discussed on Day 2 include:
  • Key strategies for improvements to the downtown including signage & wayfinding, infill & redevelopment, new street furnishings and streetscapes, and a downtown park.
  • Potential alternate alignments for the planned but unfunded Daniel Boone Parkway
  • Proposed local and collector street connections and improvements to improve overall connectivity
  • Highest priority routes for sidewalks, bike paths and lanes, and greenways
  • A conceptual assessment of the Kraut Creek with opportunities for improvements

Today was also the first day for the design team to begin pinning up some ideas for changes that reflect the community's vision. Those designs included:

  • Possible infill buildings on King Street and Howard Street in the downtown
  • Redevelopment of a strip shopping center into an urban, walkable development
  • Various redevelopment scenarios for the Old High School site

Tomorrow's meetings include discussions about Workforce Housing, Real Estate and Development, and Student Housing. Another pinup session will be held at 5:30 pm followed by a meeting of neighborhood leaders at 6:30.



Blogger Unknown said...

It seems that if each time we improved a corridor such as 321/421 through the area from 105 to College Street if we just added a left turn lane we would be much better off than making the area 4 lanes. The extra space could be used for bike lanes and side walks to limit the use of cars. The problem through this area always seems to be related to people turning left holding up traffic.

The other area that needs dramatic improvement is the Wendy's intersection. It needs a very creative solution to keep traffic flowing in the area. It also needs to be improved from a pedestrian and bicycle use perspective.

Winkler's Creek Road and Greenway Drive need improvements in the way of sidewalks and/or bikeways or greenways. That would improve safety greatly in that area and make it more people friendly.

October 25, 2008 at 9:51 AM  

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